Other products

SOMAIN SECURITE has developed roofing systems that do not concern safety standards. These products meet specific requests from our business partners. Composite material Demarcation barrier SECURICLIM® Escaliers, passerelles et garde-corps en composite Balisage plot Structure porteuse pour matériel technique


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 This is a range of ladders textile strap that facilitates transport and storage. This range of ladders is available in 2 types : Ladder with in-line rungs: SECURECHELLE® souple à barreaux dans l’axe It is a temporary access solution. Thanks to the textile webbing stiles, it Lire la suite…


Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 The SECURECHELLE® crinoline is an aluminium vertical access means. Totally modular thanks to a wide choice of components. Suitable for clad walls Lightweight, quick to install Available from stock Adapts to all configurations.Several security systems to prevent unauthorised access are also available. Material : aluminium Finish Lire la suite…

Skylight protection

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 The SECURILISSE® protection de lanterneau railing prevents workers falling through roof lights on area inaccessible to public. Totally free standing with its ballast weights covered in HDPE so as not to dRooflightamage the waterproofing. Quick to install and highly modular Available from stock Maintenance-free Material : Lire la suite…

Insulated terrace Railing

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Inclined version product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 Produktblatt geneigte version 🇩🇪 The SECURILISSE® GC-TI railing is a collective fall protection system. It is designed for roofs inaccessible to the public and can be fastened onto a concrete slab through the insulation.The waterproofing is preseved by the combined Lire la suite…

SECURITOIT® escalier

Product sheet 🇬🇧 Produktblatt 🇩🇪 SECURITOIT® escalier is a collective technical access means made of aluminium section. The gradient can be adapted (from 21° to 45°), and it can be fitted with standard-compliant guard rails on one or both sides.  The SECURITOIT® escalier is made up of standard elements. But often Lire la suite…